
Showing posts from February 28, 2016
DIY Been & Turmeric Paste For Back, Chest, & Shoulder Acne:  Been (dogoyaro) Acne attacks not just the face but also shoulders and backs  Neem has a wide range of therapeutic properties that can be used effectively to combat acne. Crush a handful of been leaves and mix with 1 tsp of turmeric powder. Apply on back, neck and shoulders. Allow to dry then wash off with warm water. You can also consume been leaves and turmeric concoction to purify the blood & ease acne.
8 Warning Signs that Your Vagina is Unhealthy 1 . Itching & Burnng 2. Smelly Discharge 3. Discoloration & Excessive Discharge 4. Abnormal Bleeding 5. Bleeding During or After Intercourse   6. Viginal Atrouphy ( your vagina becomes dry, thin & inflamed when your body produces less estrogen than required. This is called vaginal atrophy. The most common symtom of atrophy is a painful intercoruse) 7. Bumps or Blisters   8. Painful Urination  
Pls view pix Cut a potato and rub on the dark skin round your eyes and leave for 20mins before rinsing.
Coffee Face Mask: For a perfect spa type facial treatment feeling, indulge in the goodness of coffee face pack which has skin tightening & softening properties. Mix 2 tbspn of ground coffee with 2 tbsp of honey & 2 tbsp of yoghurt. Spread on your face and neck, leave for 30mins ten rinse with warm water. This pack soothes and nourishes your skin thoroughly, it also helps in tightening pores & hydrates your skin.
Lick less!!! Licking your lips often cause more harm than good, try not to!😉
For Silky smooth legs try one of these scrubs: For oily skin, salt scrub is recommended For dry Skin, sugar scrub is recommended
Remedy for dark knees, Elbows & knuckles... Try this everyday for 2weeks and thank me later😀
Fruits for a glowing Skin: I try never to go a day without eating any of these or their supplements. It helps to maintain your skin from inside out...
Skin Care tips that is right for your skin
Exfoliate your skin!!! When it comes to exfoliating, I personally don't joke with it! It pays to exfoliate the skin regularly because it allows your Skin Care products To penetrate quickly and it helps dead Skin Cells. If you want to glow, pls exfoliate.

Enemies of the Skin

Enemies of the Skin : The good news is that you can now replenish and rejuvenate your skin using simple products either as a DIYer or speak with a specialist.

DIY Turmeric smoothie for glowing skin

DIY Turmeric smoothie for glowing skin : With inflammation, the root of so many illness. Its important to include anti-inflammatories into your diet. With turmeric you get more than a reducer of inflammation. Here is a reciepe for a delicious turmeric smoothie for glowing skin. 1/2 Teaspoon of turmeric powder 1 Orange (juice) 1 Carrot 1/2 of Lemon (Juice) Honey as needed Water as needed Combine all the ingredients and blend it in a blender, and its all set and ready to consume! Stay Healthy!!!
DIY Cellulite Scrub: Pls veiw pix Pls also show your likes by liking my post via Google+: Lilian Obiesie Facebook: Obiesie A. Li Twitter: @Lilian_adaeze instagram: @pinketh_da_boss_lady
Pls view pix for instructions
Five Amazing Beauty Oil: pls veiw
Get rid of dark inner thighs: Dark inner thighs can be gotten rid of either by using home remedies or call a professional!

How to make Rose water (DIY)

Rose water is good for: Tightening pores Smoothing fine lines & wrinkles Balances the skin's PH Slowing aging process What you need:  Water, Dried Red Rose petals, Funnel & spray bottle/s Process: put some water in a pot and bring it to boil, then add a handful of dried rose petals, simmer the rose petals until they ose their colors, turn off heat, Strian into a spritzer bottle, and that is it!😉

*Rose water benefits

Please view pix

This is very simply and of course very effective!


Get rid of stretch marks! mix Aleo vera + vtamin E oil + vitamin A oil for a stretch mark lotion, rub on the stretch mark until your skin absorbs it. if use frequently, can get rid of the stretch marks naturally.


Water recipe; This is an all rounder detox drink and a sure shot way to keep acne away and also get a clearer skin, if consumed daily. Slice 1cucumber, 10-15 mint leaves, one inch of ginger ( slice thin) and add all into 2litres of ice cold water and then refrigerate.Keep sipping this water throughout the day. Stay healthy & Happy!


put some water in a small pot and bring it to boil then add fresh neem (dogoyaro) leaves, let it boil for 3mins and then remove from heat. Drop a towel over your head and steam your face for 5mins. it opens up the pores on your face and cleanse.


Almond oil keeps you looking fresh and young! Apply on your skin after night shower.


cleanse and exfoliate your skin from dirts and bacteria, Apply coconut oil or vitamin E oil after shower followed by a moisturizing process to rejuvenate your skin over night


We can all agree that our weather especially in West Africa has been terribly Hot! Due to the weather we experience heat rashes on part of our bodies, here is what to do: sprinkle Baking powder on the affected areas and rub gently, it will help stop the itching and withinfew days dry it up!


Egg white to rid off black heads, spread 2 to 3 layers of egg white, leve to dry completely then peel off


Tomatoes pulp Face Mask best for oily skin. Not only that but also removes sun tan and also polishes the face giving it a glowing shine and radiant look
